Standard-compliant proof of quality

Traceable to international SI units

Besides optimised test processes and minimised measurement uncertainties. The documentable traceability of measurement results to international primary standards, that represent the SI units, forms the basis of our accreditation. This is achieved by the technological heart of our test laboratory: in-house developed, precision reference rotors. In connection with a high-precision reference machine (Master Machine), it serves as a reference standard for the measurand unbalance. With this, our test laboratory can perform qualified tests for measurement systems or working standards for balancing technology. And of course, it can issue laboratory test certificates that meet the highest, audit-proof standards.

Standard-compliant quality certification

A decisive factor is that your quality assurance is also proven to be effective in the balancing manufacturing step. Securing product quality plays a significant role for companies, as it is imperative for customer relationships and competitive edge. Especially in large companies, strict requirements can only be implemented with the aid of a complete quality management. Based on ISO 9001, there are numerous internationally recognized sets of rules available to introduce quality management and to optimise it in a company-specific manner. With regard to ensuring the quality of measuring and test equipment or measuring systems, the requirements are specified as follows:

  • If metrological traceability is required or if valid measurement results are essential for a process, then measurement and test equipment or measurement systems shall be "[...] calibrated or verified, or both, at specified intervals, or prior to use, against measurement standards traceable to international or national measurement standards; [...]"
  • “[...]The organization shall retain appropriate documented information as evidence of fitness for purpose of the monitoring and measurement resources. [...]“

Similar specifications can also be found in guidelines such as IATF 16949, DIN EN ISO 10012 as well as VDA 6.1, 6.2 and 6.4. Is your company certified in accordance with one of these standard series or do you work in compliance with corresponding principles? Then the services of our test laboratory effectively complete your quality management.



More efficiency in the development and prototyping of rotors

Establising robust and efficient balancing processes for all rotating components of an e-drive system during the development phase will help reduce noise and vibrations.  Further manufacturing and operational issues can also be avoided.



Hotline general

+49 (0) 6151 32-2311
Monday - Saturday
07:00 am - 05:00 pm

Hotline Service (Helpdesk)

+49 (0) 6151 32-3083
Monday 01:00 am - Saturday 01:00 am (24h)
Saturday 08:00 am - 02:00 pm
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