Precision balancing

Precision for high-tech products

Perfect interaction. Small, high-precision rotors, or rotors running at speeds of several ten thousand revs per minute make highest demands on balancing accuracy. When the permitted residual unbalance is in the order of several micrograms, a balancing system will soon show itself for what it's worth. This is where the perfect interaction of man and machine comes to the fore. Not only are our specialists familiar with the relevant balancing processes, they also have extensive experience with rotors with a variety of properties and they know how to make optimum use of the advanced features offered by a modern balancing system.

Whether you are dealing with precision spindles, rotors for the aeronautical or aerospace industries, high-speed tools or drive components: Our balancing service will assure a high level of quality for your high-performance products.



More efficiency in the development and prototyping of rotors

Establising robust and efficient balancing processes for all rotating components of an e-drive system during the development phase will help reduce noise and vibrations.  Further manufacturing and operational issues can also be avoided.



Hotline general

+49 (0) 6151 32-2311
Monday - Saturday
07:00 am - 05:00 pm

Hotline Service (Helpdesk)

+49 (0) 6151 32-3083
Monday 01:00 am - Saturday 01:00 am (24h)
Saturday 08:00 am - 02:00 pm
The given times refer to CET (UTC+1, March - October UTC+2). The current time is:

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