Engineering of Complex Balancing Plants

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Engineering of Complex Balancing Plants Tire plant for series production - SCHENCK RoTec GmbH

Engineering of Complex Balancing Plants: Tire plant for series production
Using the principles of simultaneous engineering, we work together with the customer from the start-up stage to match product design and manufacturing. Planning and engineering at Schenck RoTec integrates our products and systems, hardware and software for individual solutions to the problems of our clients. We can help – whether you are dealing with manually-operated one-of-a-kind production or automatic series production with mixed batches.

Due to our activities in automotive manufacturing, we know today what our customers will face tomorrow. Benefit from this knowledge when high-productive, turn-key solutions are applied.
Wheel and tire plant for series
In series production in the automotive industry, next to product quality and machine availability, cost-efficiency is of paramount importance. To remain effective, all components in the manufacturing system must be specified to rely harmoniously on each other – only in this way can long-term competitiveness be guaranteed.

Starting with wheel and tire assembly machines, further test steps have gradually been integrated in modern tire plants. Today the necessary conveying equipment is networked to an overall host computer for a highly productive quality assurance system. Schenck RoTec plans and delivers the entire wheel-assembly technology from feeding the rim and tire to the inflated and completely tested wheel that is passed on to the vehicle assembly plant.
Technical data



More efficiency in the development and prototyping of rotors

Establising robust and efficient balancing processes for all rotating components of an e-drive system during the development phase will help reduce noise and vibrations.  Further manufacturing and operational issues can also be avoided.



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