Hit the ground running with Interactive Training+ from Schenck!

Theory and praxis in digital form

With the new Training+ from Schenck, you always stay on top of things. Thanks to cutting-edge learning methods, you can now benefit from our balancing expertise online. Your advantage: You can participate in our training programs from anywhere in the world and save on travel costs – and above all you save precious travel time!

And not only that: With our modern video technology with up to three cameras, these training courses can also be designed to be highly interactive. That means that the trainer can interact with the participants, who also learn from each other through the resulting questions and answers.

Why did we develop the Training+?

We at Schenck have over 35 years of experience in training in the field of balancing. In our seminars we share our extensive practical know-how so that our participants are directly supported in their regular work process. We thus provide assistance with very specific situations that are encountered in your routine work.

With our interactive Training+ we have now gone the extra mile to provide these courses in the form of "Live Online Training" courses, thus offering our customers even more advantages.

The Training+ is not just a webinar where participants passively take in the contents. In our training courses, participants learn from and with each other in a virtual classroom. Our highly qualified trainers with their extensive theoretical and practical experience will go through the training materials with you, which are shared through video glasses and our Training+ software. The participants are therefore able to work "virtually" on the machine – which is great because the best results still come from learning and working in a real environment.

Training+ works in the best way – almost like the real situation

We can communicate all activities and hand movements with up to 3 cameras (e.g. full machine view, measuring unit, video glasses for handling details like e.g. setup procedures on the machine) to our remote trainer almost as if you were standing right next to the physical machine. And the interactivity is also comparable: All participants can ask questions and can also send suggestions and drawings – which can also be seen by all the other participants upon request!

In this way individual questions can be answered quickly and even more complex problems can be discussed together to work out suitable solutions with the trainer.

What is interactive Training+?

  • Live Online Training: Theory and praxis in digital form.
  • Bidirectional interaction between participant and trainer
  • Highly qualified trainers with extensive theoretical and practical experience
  • Use of up to 3 cameras (e.g. full machine view, measuring unit, video glasses for handling details such as setup procedures on the machine)
  • Presentation and explanation by trainers with video glasses on the machine and measuring unit
  • Hands-on participant activity possible via verbal trainer remote control
  • Alternation between theoretical and assigned practical modules
  • Target groups: Team leaders, operators, engineers, setup engineers, service personnel, etc.
  • Typical course length 2h each on 4 days, total length 8h

Your advantages at a glance

  • Learn with cutting-edge technology
  • Learning methods and length based on the latest didactic knowledge
  • Hands-on training that closely follows in-person training
  • Efficient training length
  • High practical relevance
  • Cost-optimized (no travel costs, an environmentally friendly form of training that contributes to sustainability, etc.)
  • Increased availability of participants for employers (no day-long absences)
  • Highly sustainable by reducing CO2 emissions

Summary: With the new Schenck interactive Training+ you get the best of both worlds: In-person and online training to perfectly complement each other.


Wie stelle ich die Werte am Messgerät richtig ein?

Sequenzen und Zweck wird im iTraining durchgespielt und erklärt.

Was besagt die Gütestufe genau?

Sinn der Gütestufen und Randbedingungen werden im Zuge des Trainings dargelegt, Einstellungen an aktuellen Geräten live durchgespielt.

Wo und wie lagere ich den Rotor am besten ein?

An den Originallagerstellen oder man diskutiert die Ersatzmöglichkeiten.

Macht es etwas aus, wenn der Rotor „schräg“ in der Maschine liegt?

Ja, unter gewissen Umständen und Randbedingungen.

Warum ist der Ausgleichsradius wichtig?

Weil die Unwucht ein Produkt aus Ausgleichsmasse mal wirksamer Radius ist.

Wenn ich ein Ausgleichsgewicht anbringe, muss ich dann die Rotoroberfläche für die Radiuseingabe am Messgerät benutzen?

Nein, sondern exakt ist Schwerpunkt des angebrachten Gewichts maßgebend.

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I am interested in the Schenck interactive Training+

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+49 (0) 6151 32-2311
Monday - Saturday
07:00 am - 05:00 pm

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+49 (0) 6151 32-3083
Monday 01:00 am - Saturday 01:00 am (24h)
Saturday 08:00 am - 02:00 pm
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