Maintenance agreements

Preventive maintenance after standstill

Downtimes can be avoided: with regular, preventive and cost-saving maintenance. Take care of things in advance – with a custom-tailored maintenance package.

In addition to maintenance, we also offer the standardised inspection of your balancing machine by our test laboratory for balancing technology. Because balancing machines are measuring devices. Standards (such as ISO 9001) require that they are traceably inspected at regular intervals and that they are calibrated when necessary. Further information on the various inspection levels can be found here.

Benefit from the opportunity of a maintenance agreement

Regular maintenance and inspection guarantee the high availability and service life of your systems. Faults can be detected and remedied early on.

And a maintenance agreement not only offers you an advantage in terms of price. About the services:

  • Free support during malfunctions and technical issues by our helpdesk staff
  • Payment of a flatrate without any further costs (excl. addition service/spare parts needs)
  • We will keep track of the date of your annual inspection for you
  • Reduced rental fee for working standards required for the inspection
  • Speedy handling in the case of malfunctions
  • Reduced administrative work as a result of regular visits without placing an additional order

Today more than 700 customers make use of the benefits of such a maintenance agreement.

Send us your enquiry today by using the form on this page.



More efficiency in the development and prototyping of rotors

Establising robust and efficient balancing processes for all rotating components of an e-drive system during the development phase will help reduce noise and vibrations.  Further manufacturing and operational issues can also be avoided.



Hotline general

+49 (0) 6151 32-2311
Monday - Saturday
07:00 am - 05:00 pm

Hotline Service (Helpdesk)

+49 (0) 6151 32-3083
Monday 01:00 am - Saturday 01:00 am (24h)
Saturday 08:00 am - 02:00 pm
The given times refer to CET (UTC+1, March - October UTC+2). The current time is:

further contacts