Our balancing and spinning service

fast, competent and economic

Perfection through balancing – Safety through spinning

Those who work with rotating parts know: one day you will have to balance them. And then? You don't have a balancing machine or the one you have doesn't fit. Or the rotor is too small, too big, too light, too heavy and flexible on top of that. There is a solution for cases such as these: Schenck's balancing service – available at many European locations. Benefit from our vast experience and extensive resources for your perfectly balanced rotor. It saves you time and money.

Location of balancing centres

Balancing of individual rotors

Balancing of batches

Field balancing

High-speed balancing

Precision balancing

Spinning service



More efficiency in the development and prototyping of rotors

Establising robust and efficient balancing processes for all rotating components of an e-drive system during the development phase will help reduce noise and vibrations.  Further manufacturing and operational issues can also be avoided.



Hotline general

+49 (0) 6151 32-2311
Monday - Saturday
07:00 am - 05:00 pm

Hotline Service (Helpdesk)

+49 (0) 6151 32-3083
Monday 01:00 am - Saturday 01:00 am (24h)
Saturday 08:00 am - 02:00 pm
The given times refer to CET (UTC+1, March - October UTC+2). The current time is:

further contacts