
News and information about Schenck RoTec

Tooldyne micro - Maximum Precision in Miniature

Schenck RoTec presents the Tooldyneµicro for balancing micro tools

Wherever production technology is used, much attention is paid to the concentricity of precision tools and spindles. In particular in micro-machining, with its tiny tools and high spindle speeds, this aspect is listed very high on the specifications for Quality Assurance. Schenck RoTec has therefore developed its new balancing machine Tooldyneµicro specifically for micro-machining requirements. The compact system, which is easy to operate, is suitable for rotor weights of up to 500 g, and tool diameters of up to 100 mm.

As far as production technology is concerned, micro-machining, in which tiny precision tools with spindle rotational speeds of over 200,000 rpm mill or drill into metals and plastics, is gaining massively in importance.  A decisive factor for ensuring these accuracy requirements is the balancing of the micro tools and their adapters. Schenck RoTec has tailored a new balancing machine, the Tooldyneµicro especially for this purpose. Using the extremely simple system, micro tools with diameters of maximum 100 mm, and weights of up to 500 g can be balanced with utmost precision.

Set up and start

Tooldyneµicro is a compact balancing system for direct deployment in Production. Apart from a suitable balance table, users merely require connections for electricity. The balancing process itself can be completed in a few working steps: the clamping mechanism pulls the tool to be tested - under operating conditions, and reproducibly - into the tool adapter.  After input of the geometric tool data, the measurement run can be initiated immediately, as the Tooldyneµicro is permanently calibrated. This means that no time-consuming calibration runs are necessary either prior to or subsequent to the balancing process! In spite of all this, the Tooldyneµicro remains absolutely accurate: the smallest achievable residual unbalance lies at 0.5 gmm/kg, meaning 0.5 µm focal eccentricity.

All functional elements of the Tooldyneµicro are easily accessible, and handling of the transparent protective cover is child's play. Schenck RoTec has designed this compact balancing system according to the latest ergonomic standards, right up to the correct working height. In addition, the machine fulfils all requirements from the 2006/42/EC Machinery Directive, valid since 2010, and is CE-certified. The protective cover accords with the stringent criteria of the ISO 21940-23 Class C (protection against ejected parts).


Schenck RoTec is considered one of the technological leaders in balancing technology for small and miniature rotors, such as can be found for example in dental turbines, miniature motors or clock balance springs. The known-how obtained over many decades has flowed into the development of the new balancing machine, so that Schenck RoTec with its Tooldyneµicro is able to provide a balancing solution, using which the high standard of quality for all micro-machining can also be maintained for tools and tool adapters.

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